HP to support Windows Mobile 6.5 like every other company

HP wants everyone to know, via a press release, that the company is supporting the recently announced Windows Mobile 6.5. Details? Yeah, right. It seems that HP simply needed something to pass along to us media types with the hopes that we take the bate and post it. We bit, but only in good humor. After all, what mobile company wouldn’t support Windows Mobile 6.5? Next up, a press release stating HP will support Windows 7.

“Windows phones enable people to stay on top of their personal and business lives by connecting them to the diverse array of information they need throughout the day,” said Todd Peters, corporate vice president, Mobile Communications Business, at Microsoft Corp. “We’re excited HP will offer phones with Windows Mobile 6.5, which will help people access and personalize services and applications that can make a phone truly individual.”

So there you have it, folks. HP will offer smartphones with the latest version of Windows Mobile instead of using the older, much hated version.

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