ClickTale Launches Email Tracking, Says Revenue Growth Is Strong

ClickTale is revving-up for its second round of financing by both rolling out a new email tracking feature and reporting that it’s making significant headway on the business front: Passing the 20K registered customer mark and a 500% revenue growth in the past 12 months. With more than 550 customers paying $99 to $290 a month, we estimate the company is pulling in somewhere between $55,000 and $100,000 a month.

For those of you unfamiliar with the company, here’s a short primer on ClickTale’s in-page web analytics: Requiring site owners to paste a bit of JavaScipt into pages, ClickTale is then able to capture a variety of user-centric data such as mouse movements, scrolls, clicks, and keystrokes. The data is used to provide a view of how users actually interact with websites by way of videos of users’ browsing sessions, and through aggregated reports—form analytics, heatmaps, etc.

Another interesting upside of using ClickTale is that it provides a real measurement of user engagement. This is because it’s able to truly determine the amount of time that users were moving their mouse, scrolling, typing, or clicking. Certainly “Time on Page” provided by standard web analytic solutions will suffice for many, but there are definitely site owners who can use such valuable data to optimize pages and their elements.

ClickTale’s new email tracking feature is an extension of its core service. Using special tags added to links within emails, ClickTale is able to generate video and data on each individual user that clicked a link and consequently interacted with the linked website. The video embedded below shows my own personal interaction with ClickTale’s website after Tal Schwartz (CEO), emailed me about this feature.

You can start using ClickTale for free, but be warned, you may end up paying for a web service that actually delivers real, quantifiable value.
ClickTale - Email Tracking from Itsik Hefez on Vimeo.

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