Vinyl collection of Sega Genesis themes

Oh man, remember the “Ultimate Genesis Collection” for Xbox 360 and PS3 that’s supposed to be here soon? Well if you preorder the Australian version (called the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection) you can get a free limited-edition vinyl album of theme songs from some of the games.

Here’s the track listing:

The records are made of blue vinyl and are individually numbered. Unfortunately for everyone but Australians, this deal’s only good for Australian residents. I probably didn’t need to get all that excited, seeing as though I don’t have a record player nor do I recognize any of those songs. But still — blue vinyl! Blue!

The Xbox 360/PS3 compilation itself is set to ship out at the end of the month in Australia, which hopefully means it’ll be here in the US soon. If you’ll recall from our earlier post, it’ll cost $30 here.

Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (Bonus Lp Offer) [JB Hi-Fi via Kotaku]

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