He said/she said: Flash not coming to iPhone

So now PC World is reporting that Flash won’t be coming to the iPhone because:

“It’s a hard technical challenge, and that’s part of the reason Apple and Adobe are collaborating,” [Adobe CEO Shantanu] Narayen told Bloomberg Television at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “The ball is in our court. The onus is on us to deliver.”

Yes, friends, we can send a man to the moon but we can’t add Flash to the iPhone. Flash wouldn’t be impossible to add to the iPhone – the processor is fast enough and there is enough expertise out there to offer some sort of Flash derivative that would work on the iPhone without many problems.

This actually most probably similar to the hemming and hawing that we saw on Apple’s side with their plan not to release an official SDK and instead encourage folks to make web applications (we all saw how well that turned out.) Flash for iPhone is probably being prepared as we speak but no one is allowed to talk about it let alone give a timeframe for completion.

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