Polaroid's PoGo camera-printer: hit or miss?

Polaroid debuted its would-be comeback kid gadget, the PoGo, during CES, but we were a bit busy at the time. It looks like they’ve attached a shabby camera to the Zink/PoGo instant printer and made an interface for cropping and so on. Sounds less than compelling at first, but then of course that’s pretty much what the original Polaroids were. Bad glass and crappy film. But they were awesome.

For at least a few more years, having your picture on a piece of paper will remain valuable. Not so much as when you know it’s the only copy (as in old Polaroids or photo booths), but it’s a lot of fun to print yourself out instantly and you know it. Plus they work as stickers. How hot is that? 2×3″ stickers are the perfect size to put on a bathroom stall wall and deface.

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