Thought-operated controller delayed because it still doesn't work

Emotiv Systems announced today that the Epoc “neuroheadset” will be delayed until after the holiday season, due to the headset not working as intended.

The Epoc was initially announced during the Intel Developers Forum, where Emotiv stated that it would detect a user’s brainwaves at the skull’s surface, allowing you to move and manipulate items. They expected to release it in time for Christmas, and for around $300. A spokesman said the new release date will be sometime in 2009, but could be problematic for the firm, since there are competing devices on the horizon.

This isn’t the first time Emotiv has had problems with the technology. When the interface was first announced at the IDF, it didn’t work properly. The firm later blamed the fault on interference from other wireless transmitters at the show. Previously, the failure was blamed on the demonstrators being distracted by booth babes.

Assuming they are able to get the technology to work properly, this has the potential to be very disturbing. Imagine just thinking about killing that loser hunter in World of Warcraft, and accidentally wiping the raid.

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