How-to: Enable transitional effects on the T-Mobile G1

Feeling as if your G1 is a little bland in the animation department? Want those fancy sliding animations generally reserved for Google’s demonstrations? Worry no longer – afbcamaro from XDA Developers noticed that you can use a development package from the Android SDK that allows for you to access some fun features (such as sliding transitions) that didn’t make their way in to the end product.

What you need:

How to do it:

  1. Make sure you have APKInstaller from the Android Market, and Development.APK from here (If you want, you can point your browser directly to that link from your phone and bypass all the following steps. Thanks to Mark Murphy for the tip!).
  2. Put the Development.APK in the root directory of the MicroSD card. In other words, put it at the very first section of the card – don’t go making a folder named “root”.
  3. Launch the APKInstaller, navigate to the file you just placed on the MicroSD card, and install it. This will install an application called “Dev Tools”
  4. Open Dev Tools, then select Development Settings. Scroll down to the bottom, and change Window Animation Scale to 1x, and Transition Animation Scale to 1x (or play around with them for varying effects).


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