Ricoh ‘green’ sign debuts in Times Square on Dec 4

Green, green, green! It’s the marketing word that makes you think you’re doing something to help this planet, and now it’ll be found at the crossroads of the world, Times Square. (Actually, Times Square is a hell hole, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t popular.) Yes, it’s that “green” Ricoh billboard we first talked about during the summer, but now there’s more info to share.

The sign, which will be located at 3 Times Square, is powered by 16 wind turbines and 64 solar panels. The turbines do the heavy lifting, generating 90 percent of the sign’s power, while the solar panels generate the remaining 10 percent. All of that powers floodlights, which will then illuminate the Ricoh logo for all to see.

It’s constructed in such a way that it can run for as much as four days without wind or solar energy using stored up energy. Ricoh says it’s okay with the sign going off for a few days.

There’s a lighting ceremony scheduled for December 4.

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