Pressflip Founder Quits: "I'm Tired Of The Fight"

One thing investors don’t really like to see is founders abandoning the startups they funded. But that is exactly what Ted Dziuba is doing with his startup PressFlip.

In a blog post Dziuba wrote that he was leaving the company “mostly because I’m going to be a father in March and need some stability, but also because I’m tired of the fight.”

Earlier this month Dziuba restarted his blog, Uncov, which generally mocks startups and entrepreneurs. The blog was shut down just a few days before Pressflip (then called Persai) originally launched.

In July I reviewed Pressflip and gave it a thumbs down, saying “Pressflip is far from launch ready, and under normal circumstances we’d add a page on Crunchbase for them and move on until it became interesting or went into the deadpool.” I also noted that it was much harder to build a startup than it was to simply criticize them, and wondered if Dziuba and his cofounders would have what it takes to keep fighting:

Pressflip/Uncov is a perfect illustration of The Man In The Arena quote from a 1910 Theodore Roosevelt speech given in Paris. It’s awfully easy to criticize the work of others but incredibly difficult to build something unique yourself. The Uncov guys are now in the arena, and failing. We’ll see if they have what it takes to take their hits and keep fighting.

I guess we now know the answer. At least for Dziuba, the answer to whether he has any fight left in him for Pressflip is a resounding no.

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