Verizon Wireless has something to say about that McCain cellphone tower story

We just got an e-mail from Verizon Wireless asking us to pass along this message regarding that McCain cellphone tower story. Turns out it has a problem with the Washington Post’s reportage.

The Washington Post story regarding Verizon providing a cell tower to the McCain Ranch is wrong. Verizon received a request from Mrs. McCain, but declined. Subsequent to that, the Secret Service made a legitimate request for a temporary tower for its work and Verizon complied as is required by our contract with the agency. The Secret Service request, made on May 28, specifically said it needed the service urgently and requested that Verizon “explore every possible means of providing an alternative cellular or data communications source in the referenced area and provide any short term implementation of any type as a solution in the interim.”

Now, who do you believe, Verizon Wireless or the Washington Post? I doubt the Post was all, “Let’s make something up!” In any event, apparently the two parties are working toward a clarification/correction of the original story, so if you sit tight there may well be a definitive answer to all of this. We look forward to that day.

Also, and completely unrelated to anything of substance, note the double space after each sentence in the above quote. Isn’t that an old newspaper convention or something?

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