Team Cyprus Move To Undo “The Video”

A group of twenty or so tech elite were partying 1999-style in Cyprusthis last week, and posted a lip sync video of the Journey song “Don’t Stop Believing” a couple of days ago. Among the group were Brittany Bohnet of Google, Mike Hudack of, Dave Morin and Aaron Sittig of Facebook, Sam Lessin of and Jessica Vascellaro, the Wall Street Journal’s Silicon Valley beat reporter.

Team Cyprus: Alcohol + Bad Judgement + Really Poor Timing

The video was released just as Silicon Valley really began falling apart and the UnParty began in earnesteBay’s 10% layoffs, Google’s stock nosedive, Yahoo’s self destruction, VC’s bunkering down, etc. And more than a few people thought the ostentatious partying was a little, ahem, tasteless in light of the meltdown back home.

Now that video has been taken private, which is what it should have been marked as in the first place. But it’s too late – the video has spread to YouTube and other sites, and won’t be disappearing again. As I said yesterday, fair or not the video video will always be associated with the end of Web 2.0.

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