BlackBerry Bold being delayed again by AT&T, says RIM CEO

RIM CEO Mike Lazaridis made it known today that AT&T is still testing the Bold to ensure that it’s sub-par 3G network can support it and those of us waiting for it to come out won’t go ape shit like we did when the iP3G came out. In all fairness, it was more or less Apple’s fault and not AT&T’s, but I’m grumpy and just want this damn phone to come out.

“There’s great scrutiny, as you might know, on that network and a certain device. So I guess everyone wants to be sure on every last test,” Lazaridis told The Associated Press.

I don’t see the Bold having any issues and neither does Lazaridis.

“We’re very meticulous about what our product does,” he said.

AT&T flack Mark Siegel said the Bold would be coming out this year, but declined to comment on whether or not it was still being tested.

Maybe we should just ask John Meyer whether or not the damn thing works.

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