G-day: Other September 23rds in history

The G1 makes its not-hyped-at-all debut in a few hours, which got some of us, that is, me, thinking: what else happened on this glorious date, September 23? I know the Heavens themselves are scheduled to open any minute now, but surely other important things happened on this date?

1780: Some British guy was arrested, exposing Benedict Arnold for the traitor he was. No G1 for him, that traitor.

1845: The very first modern baseball team, the Knickerbockers, was founded in New York. Years later, the Yankees would habitually suck and the Mets would choke at every opportunity.

1889: Nintendo was founded! That’s halfway relevant to us here!

1952: Richard Nixon gave his famous Checkers speech, showing his human side for one of the few times in his life.

2002: The very first public release of Firefox was released, only back then it was called Phoenix, and it was easy to use.

List compiled, just barely, mind you, by ripping off Wikipedia.

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