Leaked MySpace Music Screenshots

MySpace Music, the joint venture between MySpace and the big music labels, is set to launch this month, and almost certainly sometime this week. MySpace has spent the last few weeks briefing advertisers and the labels in preparation for the launch.

The new service will launch at music.myspace.com but will look completely different than the existing site. Users will be able to stream music for free, create playlists, download music from Amazon, buy merchandise and event tickets, and buy ringtones.

We’ve been pounding our sources for screenshots of the new service for weeks without any luck. But today we managed to obtain these three screenshots from an anonymous source. These may be old mockups, or they may be photoshopped fakes, but here they are. We’ll know soon enough.

The first shot is probably the new MySpace Music homepage and shows featured playlists and videos. The second screenshot looks like a user admin panel for music, and the third is an artist page for Jonas Brothers that shows the new player.

The screen shots are below:

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