Hurricane In Louisiana? This Time, FEMA Is Prepared. This Time, FEMA Has MySpace Widgets.

FEMA isn’t screwing around this time. There’s a hurricane hitting the gulf coast, and they are not going to take the blame if things go wrong.

They’ve evacuated 2 million people, for example.

And now, they’ve got widgets, which have been created by the Department of Homeland Security. Earlier this evening, MySpace says, Homeland Security phoned MySpace’s Chief Security Officer, Hemanshu Nigam who then called President (and hacker extraordinaire) Tom Anderson to quickly fast-track the project. Within a couple of hours Tom had posted a message to all MySpace users with links to information contained in the widget.

I’ve installed the FEMA widget on my MySpace page (sidebar, on the left, please excuse the music but it’s how I roll). It helps people locate victimes by directing them to FEMA’s National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System, allows people to make donations, and tracks the approach of Hurricane Hanna. It will be available in both English and Spanish.

If you want to install the widget on your own MySpace page, here are the details. These are actually simple IFRAME widgets so they can be installed on most sites.

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