Some Mashups Harnessing The Power Of Yahoo's BOSS

Yahoo’s Search Blog has posted a list of some of the most promising new web apps being built using its BOSS search platform. BOSS is a radically open API that launched last month that allows developers to utilize much of Yahoo’s core search data without the restrictions seen on most other search APIs.

4HourSearch – A week ago Yahoo VP of Platforms Sam Pullara released Yuil, a search engine that looked nearly exactly like recently launched (and overhyped) Cuil, but powered by Yahoo’s BOSS. The search engine actually managed to produce better results than Cuil by many accounts, but it was not to be – lawyers stepped in and Yuil was taken down only hours after it first went up. Pullara ripped the guts out of of Yuil and redid the layout to be less tempting to DMCA-hungry lawyers, leaving us with 4HourSearch (which was apparently created in 4 hours).

NewsLineDipity has combined BOSS with the Daylife news API to create NewsLine, an interactive timeline that places news events in chronilogical order. The result works surprisingly well, especially for current events. Earlier this year Dipity released TimeTube, a similar mashup that displays YouTube videos across a timeline. We covered TimeTube here.

You can find more mashups and details at the original blog post here

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