T-Mobile's 3G now live in Vegas

I can’t believe its really here! Yeah 3G!

Well for T-Mobile at least, 3G is still news, the carrier announced availability of the ‘next-generation’ network in Las Vegas today, and confirmed plans to expand the service to at least 20 additional markets by the end of 2008. Even as the last carrier to roll out 3G, faster speeds are always a welcome addition to any market. 3G capable handsets are already available from the carrier, (as is 3G service also in New York city) and rumor has it that T-Mobile will announce more cities on or before Oct 1.

Neville Ray, senior vice president, engineering operations, T-Mobile USA said that the carrier has invested more than $37.5 million in infrastructure and spectrum to bring its 3G service to the Las Vegas market:

“Customers in Las Vegas are already accustomed to reliable and robust service from T-Mobile, which gets even better with this additional network availability.”

The carrier said it also plans to ‘soon’ offer its first HSDPA device, to “make the most of T-Mobile’s high-speed data network.”

photo credit CNET

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