Sega Toys/Hasbro won't give us their music robot A.M.P. anytime soon, it seems

Sega Toys in Japan seems to have postponed the release of the “Automated Music Personality” robot A.M.P. for an unknown time period. Apparently, potential buyers in the US, where Hasbro will be responsible for marketing the robot, are affected as well.

The A.M.P. was originally slated for release in October in the US and one month later in Japan. Japanese buyers will not be able to pre-order the robot from August 1st, as promised by Sega Toys in June.

There is currently no information available regarding the reasons for the delay. As of now, the news is neither mentioned on Hasbro’s dedicated product page nor on Sega Toys Japanese web site so we have to wait for official confirmation.

Via IT Media [JP]


Sega Toys officially confirms the delay for both Japan and the US on their web site [JP, PDF].

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