Israel's LabPixies Offers Highly Awesome Widgets

Tel Aviv, Israel based LabPixies, which was founded in March 2006, was one of the early players in the exploding widget space. They’ve stayed small and focused on building really useful or really entertaining widgets, and have mostly kept a low profile. And while you may not have heard of the company, you’ll probably have heard of at least one of the widgets they’ve built, such as the official New York Times crossword widget.

The company competes with a small army of highly funded widget startups: Slide, Rockyou, Goowy, Clearspring, Gigya and Widgetbox, among others. 41 million people a month view their widgets, the company says, generating 750 million total widget views. At first they built widgets solely for the iGoogle platform, but have expanded to include Netvibes, and other platforms.

I’ve embedded a few of my favorites below – The New York Times crossword puzzle, Space Invaders, Defender and a Babylon language translation tool. The company also offers interactive advertising widgets that are a lot more interesting than normal ads.

The company has created all of this with very few resources. They’ve self financed to now with advertising revenue, and just closed a small $1 million round of financing from angel investors in Israel. They have ten employees.

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