VLC media player ported to iPhone/iTouch

Whooo! VLC media player, which tends to be one of the first things I install on any new system, has been ported over for use on jailbroken iPhones.

The crazy-talented ZodTTD (the guy behind snes4iphone) has released a beta version of the port, vlc4iphone, which allows for drag-and-drop playback of a number of media formats not otherwise supported on the iPhone.

Good news: It supports playback of XviD, h264, MPEG4, FLAC, 3GP, MP3, MPEG2, AVI, with more on the way.

Bad news: At the moment, its only available for ZodTTD’s beta testers.

If you’re itchin’ for it now, you can drop ZodTTD a few bucks for donor access, which happens to come with access to the beta repo. Otherwise, just wait a few days – development is going pretty quickly, so a public release probably isn’t all that far off.

For more information, check out ZodTTD’s site.

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