Hunt ghosts with the Baketan 2 cell phone fob

Japanese gadget makers SolidAlliance and StrapyaNext will soon offer a new version of the Baketan, a portable ghost radar system for cell phones.

There are two main modes. The 24-hour mode protects the owner from evil spirits full-time. If you rather want to go out to hunt ghosts, activate the search mode by pushing the Baketan 2’s (only) button. 5 colors on a small display indicate the level of danger you are currently in.

If there is a particularly ill-minded ghost in the vicinity, the Baketan 2 warns you with a buzzing sound and blinking red light. Push its button a little longer to activate the barrier function, which will keep you safe from harm.

The Baketan 2 is a follow-up model to the Baketan and updated with the Kotadama tuner, which can detect voices of the dead and translate what they say. Yeah, right.

The new version is 4.7 inches long and comes in black or white. The Baketan 2 is available from the end of May for $19. You can preorder it here (English shop page).

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