Apple blows up in over-$1000 computer sales: 66 percent!

Good show, old bean! Everyone knows that Apple is gaining market share in pretty much every sector, but even in their niche (the luxury market) who knew they had such a commanding lead? Fortune reports via Apple Watch (or vice versa) that Cupertino has increased their share of the $1000-plus computer market from 15% in January of 2006 to 66% by last count.

What could have precipitated this incredible growth over the last two years? If you ask me, or any child on the street, you’d be told “It’s the MacBooks, stupid.” Yes, the phenomenally successful MacBook was launched in May of 2006, priced at near enough as to be exactly $1000, and its big brother the Pro was released several months earlier.

I tend to give Apple a lot of flak for their cooler-than-thou marketing, heavy markups, and absurd fan base, but they make great computers and I’m glad they’re reaping the benefits (of fools and their money).

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