AMD is accusing Intel of deeds unspeakable

The long-running dispute between AMD and Intel, in which the former alleges anti-trust violations by the latter, has a new wrinkle. A key point in the battle is coming up, and AMD has released to the public its laundry list of accusations. Or, at least, something like that. It seems they (or more likely Intel) feel that the public is not ready to hear what AMD has to say, so they’ve blacked out a huge amount of the 108-page document.</a

Although much of the actual text is missing, there are suggestive headings and a who's who of technology business scattered throughout the document, and a even a little melodrama:

AMD is only beginning to understand the nature and extent of Intel’s predatory tactics towards Gateway over the past decade.

You can download the whole thing over at the Reg, if you really want to.

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