IBM creates super-fast memory

IBM has allegedly developed a new type of digital storage that could greatly increase the capacity of portable devices, while reducing their price. “Racetrack” memory, as this technology is called, uses spinning electrons to store more data and enables these systems to operate faster than regular hard drives.

This technology is similar to flash memory in that it has no moving parts, which reduces the likelihood of mechanical malfunction. However, unlike flash memory, it can write data very quickly and does not wear easily out over time.

For years, scientists have been looking into storing data inside the walls between magnetic domains. However, it has been too difficult and expensive to get significant results. Stuart Parkin, head of the team researching this technology, has said that his team was able to store data in columns of magnetic material on a silicon wafer. The data moves on the columns at high speed, hence the name ‘racetrack’.

This technology is currently considered “experimental”, but IBM anticipates that we will see devices utilizing it within the next ten years.

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