AT&T's Pogo Web Browser

Just got a chance to see AT&T’s latest product — a web browser called Pogo. That’s right: the folks that brought us the iPhone and three-way calling are working on a web broswer based on the Firefox. They’ve added graphics extensions to make viewing your history and bookmarks as easy as scrolling through a bunch of tiny windows in 3D space. The engine allows for different methods for viewing data, including a globe and a swirly snake-like thing that you move forward and backwards through. Is it groundbreaking? No. Will it look cool on your PC? I guess.

Most of this is proof of concept right now and it looks very pretty. When asked why AT&T wanted to create a browser, however, the folks we met with said they wanted to show that AT&T was on the cutting edge. Fair enough. However, the real question is why would I download it?

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