Quotably: The Perfect Tool To Make Sense Of Twitter

A new service called Quotably may be the best third party Twitter-related service so far. That’s because it reformats Twitter messages into threaded conversations, making it significantly easier to follow actual discussions that are occurring on Twitter.

Until now, it’s been hard to follow conversations, even if you are in the middle of them. Sometimes responses come back tagged with your user name (@username), but often they don’t. And if you are just observing the conversation it is nearly impossible to see all of the responses.

The service is easy enough to use – just tell it a Twitter ID and it will show you threaded conversations that involve that person. You can also view a RSS feed for any Twitter user by simply adding “.rss” to the end of the Quotably URL, such as quotably.com/techcrunch.rss.

I found this via HackerNews, my new favorite news site. In a comment, the creator, Ben Tucker of Green River, says it was just a weekend project.

I have one feature request – permanent Quotably URLs for each threaded conversation, allowing people to link directly to it.

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