Geek Squad to observe a moment of silence for Arthur C. Clarke tonight


You read the headline right. How they’re related, with the exception of geek culture, I’m not sure. But apparently this is happening.

1917 – 2008

Yesterday, the worlds of science and science fiction lost one of their true visionaries, the inestimable Arthur C. Clarke, author of seminal works like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Rendezvous with Rama. Through the writings of Mr. Clarke, all these worlds are yours.

It isn’t easy to overstate Mr. Clarke’s contribution to increasing the public’s fascination with science and technology. In fact, Mr. Clarke’s imaginative fiction, profoundly insightful futurist thinking and boundless optimism played no small part in shaping the formation of our company, Geek Squad.

Out of the deepest respect for Mr. Clarke, Geek Squad personnel will be observing a moment of silence this evening at 20:01 military time. Many thanks for your understanding. The sky is filled with one more star tonight.

Me, I just poured a little out for my homie.

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