Canon 5D Mark II rumors are swirling, swirling

Oh man, if only I were very, very rich. To have a full-frame professional SLR, the joy! So it looks like the upcoming 5D Mk II is going to be an interesting camera. Its detail retention at 12800 ISO is supposed to be equal to the previous 5D’s at 3200, which is fantastic and represents nearly a 2-stop advantage. This means sharper, clearer pictures at higher shutter speeds in lower light — the holy grail of sports and nature photographers.

This is possible because the Mk II is rumored to use a next generation CMOS with “vastly improved” light-gathering capability and signal/noise ratio. It will also have a new version of the Digic III image processor. It’s supposed to be announced on April 22 and be available in early June for ~$3500. Hit the links or the [more] for the full specs.

5D II Spec Sheet I & II [DP Review forums, via Photography Bay]

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