Sky, ITV and Five take their fight to the (social) networks

Social media and TV are just falling in love right now. Three news items today confirm the trend.

UK TV network ITV is to debut a teen show on Bebo, hosting a profile page and several media channels as part of Bebo’s Open Media platform. The first show will be US teen drama Gossip Girl, available on Bebo before ITV2. ITV joins Channel 4 and MTV on Bebo.

Meanwhile MySpace TV will host live news bulletins from Five News each afternoon, showing highlights from the day’s news tailored to suit MySpace’s youth audience.

Plus, I just heard (and I believe I have this exclusively) that Sky News is going to publish video into your Facebook Newsfeed. You choose a channel and watch, and see what you friends are watching. Here is the pre-launch application which is due for release Mid March but you can sign up as a Fan right now.This seems pretty smart to me. Yet another app from Facebook Garage organiser Toby Beresford.

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