Bungie to do something cool for one lucky fan, but we really don't know what it is yet

You know, I love the Halo series. Not only are they very, very fun games to play, but Bungie’s always done a really good job of community building, which isn’t just important for a game franchise, it’s just cool, too. So when Nathaniel’s Xbox got the Mr. Clean treatment recently, and Bungie heard about it, and they’ve decided to take action.

We’re not sure what exactly is in store for Nathaniel, as Brian Jarrard told the Next-Gen blog (who broke the stroy):

Something is already ‘afoot’ within Bungie to help our community member in need.

That’s awesome, Brian. If you can help me find a way to keep mine from overheating when I’m battling the Scarab Tank, that’d be great. I live on Capitol Hill near Bellevue and Roy. I will buy you Top Pot donuts.

No matter what, this situation sounds like it’s going to have a great feel-good ending, and we’ll be tracking the development closely.

Bungie to Rectify Fan’s Wiped 360 [Next-Gen]

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