iPhone 1.1.4 firmware not coming anytime soon, Tiny Code was just joshin

Someone named Kelly, pictured to the left, over at Tiny Code is a big d-bag.

“Tiny-Code never had any relations with Apple, Inc. or any other division of Apple. Never had the new firmware or any pre-SDK pack. Certainly never signed any NDA. I find it interesting that a simple joke on the front of a minor at best Installer.app repo can cause so many wakes. It is equivocally funny that a simple re-enforcement of the page by me posted earlier stating I had been ‘reprimanded’ by Apple could throw it even more into believability. To top it all off, a simple redirection of the domain to Apple’s iPhone Developer center would cause so many theories as to why that is so when it was to just stop the ‘where did it go’ questions.”

Tiny Code says it was all a hilarious joke. Get it? [Macenstein]

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