Get Ready For Super Tuesday

Tomorrow 24 states will hold their presidential primaries, the largest Super Tuesday in U.S. history, and what will be, effectively, a national primary.

Last week we endorsed two presidential candidates based on their technology policies – Barack Obama for the Democrats and John McCain for the Republicans. We had good TV and blog coverage of the endorsements (see summary and clips here).

I also had the great opportunity to have a long talk with Rob Hawley, the host of WCBS Dishin Digital. The recording is up at TalkCrunch and is embedded below.

I really like the radio format. There’s no camera staring at you to make you nervous, and you generally have a lot more time to do a deep dive on the topic. This interview was twenty minutes long, v. just 3-5 minutes for most of the TV spots.

Make sure you get out and vote tomorrow.

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