JVC may or may not have made a 1080/60p compact camcorder

Judge for yourself – to call the translation ambiguous would be charitable. I assume we’ll find out more soon, but it appears that JVC has a camcorder that somehow outputs the 60i video in 60p; now, that sounds like horsefeathers to me but I also didn’t believe DV could look as good as it does on the HV20. This of course has a spinning hard drive in it up to 120GB, so that leaves out the “magnetic tape” part of the equation.

If this supposed 60i to 60p conversion thing works like they say it does (and allow me to register my doubt here), you might have a very nice HD HDD camcorder on your hands. Or in “your 2 harms” as the guy who wrote the article might say.

1080/60p (output) Compact HDD Camera, a World first ? Really ? No Kidding [Akihabara News]

Update: More info here. Readable, too!

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