AT&T offers business iPhone plan: Your CEO will now bug you even more

Does your company only pay for AT&T service? Do you want an iPhone for mission critical messaging and not a Blackberry? Are you crazy? OK. You’ve come this far, so here’s what AT&T has to offer.

They are currently offering data plans on the iPhone for $45 a month for 200 SMS and unlimited data, $55 for 1,500 SMS, and $65 for everything. The a $20 or $60 extra data plan gets you 20MB and 50MB respectively in 29 countries. Voice plans aren’t mentioned here, but they’re at standard corporate voice rates.

Unfortunately for us all, this now means that the same douches that can’t put down the Blackberry will be finger raping their iPhones in airports everywhere.

Oh, and check out the image AT&T uses for the business site, shown here. Why not use a 1.1.3 iPhone or even a 1.1.1?


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