Tin Foil Hat Alert: Paypal Messes With Ron Paul Campaign

Paypal has suspended an account belonging to a Ron Paul supporters group resulting in the groups inability to pay for a recount in New Hampshire.

The Granny Warriors had fund raised the $55,600 required to be lodged with the New Hampshire Secretary of State yesterday but had their account suspended by Paypal at the last minute. The inability to access the funds resulted in a missed deadline and no GOP recount in New Hampshire.

Ron Paul support groups are urging Paul followers to contact Paypal directly to protest the decision.

We don’t have word from Paypal as to why they suspended the account, but what ever the reason we know they’ll regret it as their mail servers are inundated by a group of people who pursue their support of Paul with unprecedented zealotry.

See Ron Paul’s stance of tech issues at TechCrunch Tech President Primaries here, and our July 2007 write-up of the Ron Paul online campaign here.

(via Ron Paul War Room)

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