Moneual I*magine barely looks like a media center PC, has really nice external touch screen

I thought this was another oversized satellite radio home kit from afar. As I got closer, I figured it was some sort of retro bread crisper. Then when I got even closer, I could have sworn it was a big giant container like you use at the bank to whoosh your cash through those magical tubes (only red instead of gray). Finally, I realized it was some sort of PC with wonderful widgets and knobs and dials.

The Moneual I*magine has an Intel Core2 Duo processor running at 2.0GHz, an ATI 2400 PRO video card with 256MB of memory and 1080p HDMI output, 2-gigabytes or RAM, 500-gigabyte SATA hard drive, 7-inch touch screen, and Windows Vista Home Premium. It can be mounted horizontally or vertically. Yum.

The nice lady at the booth told me that it’ll be ready in March and will cost $1999.

Moneual I*magine []

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