Vuzix' iWear video glasses actually work

This was another product I was skeptical about. VR goggles? Do they ship with a copy of Johnny Mnemonic? But I put them on and lo and behold: the image was pretty good, it tracked my head movements so I could look around the cockpit, and they were even lightweight and had different nose-touch-piece-things for people of different nasal persuasions.

One kind was meant to be used as a single-TV, multiplayer solution not unlike what TI is doing with their Dualview technology, but this is a completely different approach. I’ve been impressed by these technologies which would have seemed completely outlandish a couple years ago, or say in 1995. But as you can see, they’re compact, well-built, and they don’t make you, or that classy lady pictured above, look like a total dweeb.

Vuzix iWear

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