More exciting info about the 700MHz spectrum auction

Well look at that. Chevron throws its hat into the ring for the January 24th 700MHz spectrum auction. Analysts believe this to be because "oil companies and utilities are big wireless users" but you and I both know that Chevron would use the spectrum to unveil its super secret over-the-air alternative energy source that’s been hidden from the public since the Roswell incident to protect the economic interests of Big Oil. Or it might be because of the first thing, because oil companies use a lot of wireless.

Also of note is the fact that 170 applications for the auctions have been returned as incomplete and must be resubmitted by January 4th. Those companies that didn’t follow directions properly include AT&T, Verizon, Alltel, and MetroPCS. Perfect little Google, though, submit its application correctly on the first try. 

700MHz spectrum auction draws Verizon, Chevron [InfoWorld]

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