Nominate Top Startups For The Crunchies

The Crunchies, a startup award competition that we are coordinating with three other blog networks – GigaOm, Read/WriteWeb and Venturebeat – is now live and taking nominations through midnight pst, Wednesday, December 12.

There are twenty award categories, including “Best Overall,” to recognize the year’s most innovative technical, creative and business accomplishments of key companies, products and people. The finalists for each category will be determined based on reader nominations, followed by reader voting. The awards will be given at a ceremony (and party) in San Francisco on January 18 at the Herbst Theater. It’s an awesome venue to recognize the best tech accomplishments of 2007.

If you are a startup that would like to be nominated, you can link to any specific category and/or put up a “nominate us” badge. If you’d like to attend, stay tuned. Ticket details will be available shortly. The theater holds approximately 900 people.

Contact us if you’re interested to sponsor an award or other part of the evening festivities. It’s sure to be a great evening.

See additional coverage from our co-hosts:

Venture Beat

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