gPhone Madness: The creepiest entry to date

The gPhone madness contest is still going strong. Remember to vote early and often for your favorite entrants and that we also count comments in the judging.

Rich sends us his entry, a really freaking creepy idea involving social data mining and facial recognition.

The Playa’s Bible web service is linked to Open Social for data mining, The guy takes a picture of a young lady in a local bar with his Gphone. He then syncs this image to the online webservice along with his current the zipcode. This zipcode can be taken from GPS or simply filled in with the phones keypad. The Playa’s Bible web service will query OpenSocial and retrieve every female profile picture from the area. The Playas Bible web service would use facial recognition to determine a list of who this female might be. The guy then selects his best guess and retrieves every piece of publicly available information on the female through Open Social. This information may be a lot or may not be so much, but it is no matter. The Playa’s bible will then use advanced algorithms to build a list of conversation starters, pickup lines, topics of discussion and similarities between yourself and the female. After being coached by the Playa’s bible, the guy is ready to approach the girl fully loaded with an arsenal of material. His chances of getting lucky are multiplied all due to little device called the Gphone.

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