Radiohead's "In Rainbows" can be downloaded right now

The pay-whatever-you-want Radiohead album is now available for download. “In Rainbows,” the band’s 10-track, seventh studio album is the first high-profile “name your price” release of an album. You can download it now from the band’s Web site (or, by the time this gets posted, your local file sharing hub) or wait till December to buy a hard copy of the album, complete with an extra CD.

Not being the biggest Radiohead fan (I’ve only listened to, but really liked, “Hail to the Thief”), I have no way of comparing the release to their previous work. This isn’t a music site so that’s not particularly relevant; we’re just happy to see someone show the music business how to properly treat its fans.

Radiohead album goes live on the internet [The Independent]

In Rainbows

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