Mannequins in motion

Have you ever been shopping for clothes and spotted a killer outfit that really suits your style? I know I have, but the problem is, I want to see how I’ll look walking around in it. Sure, I can throw a t-shirt on and see how it looks, but how will others see me when I’m running from the police due to a petty vandalism charge? Enter the Moving Mannequin.

For $12,000, your boutique can show off designs in motion. The Moving Mannequin is able to to run, jog, walk or cycle in place so that you can see how those swishy Adidas track pants will look when you’re trying out for the team. If the fashion world had a Web 2.0, then this would be it. I wouldn’t expect stores like Macy’s and Dillards to carry this, though. Try Neiman’s instead.

Moving Mannequin Sprints From The Gap [Gizmodo]

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