GeekBrief.TV #238

We love Cali Lewis. All of us. Collectively. Even her allergic reaction to plastic doesn’t freak us out. That’s why we invited her to post her latest briefs on CrunchGear so all of you folks can learn to love her as much as we do. She’ll be posting here irregularly and informing us whenever she posts a brief. Enjoy!

On GeekBrief.TV #238 I talk about dishwashing my keyboard, and since it was a very slow gadget news day, I talk about some of the items from the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog. There’s a trip to space, a Swarovski Crystal Wireless Mouse, a 100 foot dragon topiary, something called a Treetent, and a submarine with a matching keychain. My gut says my keyboard won’t be dry for another couple days. In the meantime, you can download Brief #238 here.

Since this is my first post on CrunchGear, in the interest of full disclosure, I talk fast and have an Apple bias. Some people don’t like that, but it’s me.

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