Like eBay, only without the rich human interaction

Have an old cellphone lying around? Not sure how to type eBay or Craigslist into your browser? Want to receive approximately the going rate for your gear but not a penny more? Don’t trust the vagaries of the invisible hand of the markets? Boy, have we got a site for you.

Granted, the eBay/Cragislist experience is fraught with pain and sadness. I’ve all but given up on eBay and Craigslist is a lesser evil. But now there’s You find your item — a phone, a console, etc. — and tell the system the condition. You print out a shipping package, ship it to the company, and they pay you a rate gleaned from multiple sources that should, in theory, reflect the real value of the device. SecondRotation then sells the thing again, hopefully making a profit.

When you visit the site don’t be surprised if it looks like one of the parked spam pages you get when you type in the wrong URL. It’s fairly barebones and it seems to work, so more power to them. This definitely cuts down on the risk and agony of surfing the ‘Bay and makes selling your old crap a snap.


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