California College Offers 'Learning From YouTube' Class

Pitzer College in beautiful Claremont, California, is offering a YouTube class this semester. YouTube! According to the Associated Press,

“About 35 students meet in a classroom but work mostly online, where they view YouTube content and post their comments.

Class lessons also are posted and students are encouraged to post videos. One class member, for instance, posted a 1:36-minute video of himself juggling.”

A media studies professor set the course up so that students could study the site’s impact upon society and also because she was “underwhelmed” by the quality of the video content on the site. So sorry, lady. If we here on the internet had known you’d be using YouTube to teach a college course, we might have classed it up a bit.

SoCal college offers YouTube class [Yahoo! News/AP]

Learning From YouTube Videos [YouTube]

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