Wii Hacked To Play DVDs

I’ve veered away from doing anything to my gf’s precious Wii because the chances of me breaking it are quite high and then she’d kill me, seriously, but I’m thinking this time around I’ll have to give it the ole college try. Of course I’ll have to mod the Wii before attempting this simple, yet, clever hack that requires me to boot up from a CD and switch to the DVD, but I think it’ll be worth it. Actually, that sounds like a royal pain in my ass. Who wants to boot up from a CD and then switch to the DVD? Oh wait, you guys do, right?

Scoot on over to Nintendo-Scene and download the beta. Register for Nintendo-Scene first and make sure your Wii modchip supports dual layer DVDs. Homebrewers are advised to update your YAOSM firmware. And make sure to have Clone CD.

Nintendo Scene

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