10 Days of CrunchGear: Birthday Party Cheesecake

Just a reminder: our red hot Red Sky party is still on. We’ll be meeting on the 20th at 7pm and we’ll have some great giveaways. If you’ve sent an RSVP to either party@crunchgear.com or on the Facebook group, then you and all your guests are accounted on the list and you’ll be entered in the giveaway drawings. Click through to read the specifics.

Red Sky is at 47 E. 29th Street (Google Map) and has a roof-top bar where we all can meet and greet each other with tasty treats. Peter Ha is baking cookies and Nicholas is making an ice cream cake. Allen is making Rice Krispie treats, apparently.

If you will attend, send an email to party@crunchgear.com or reply to our Facebook event invite If you or your company would like to sponsor the event, email john@crunchgear.com. We’d like to have some giveaways as well, but money is fine. Money is always fine.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Special thanks to Blast Media for their early sponsorships. Anyone else out there willing to submit some monetary goodness drop me a line at john@crunchgear.com.

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