Fox Angry Over Czech Cam Of The Simpsons Movie, Pirates Laugh

D’oh! I wasn’t aware that Czechs enjoyed good ole American humor like The Simpsons (I’m being sarcastic for those of you who take me too seriously), but I’m wrong, as usual. Nor did I know it was the new hotbed of piracy. I realize that studios have to make a public statement announcing their disgust and disdain over CAMs, but let’s be real about this Fox. It happens all the time and you can’t do anything about it. Besides, it was dubbed in Czech and no one understands that crazy language.

This is the second piracy scandal to hit the country in as many as days. Apparently a watermarked DVD rip of Vratné Lahve (Empties in English) was leaked after the director sent a single copy to the Czech Culture Department for review. You want it don’t you?! It was a great movie. Even The Times agrees.

FOX Threatens Measures After The Simpsons Movie Leak [Torrent Freak]

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