ThumbStrips: A Filmstrip Of Screenshots

ThumbStrips is a Firefox plugin that records a filmstrip of screenshots.

The plugin comes from Intuit’s Innovation Lab, an Intuit R&D unit headed by former General Manager of Quicken Roy Rosin.

ThumbStrips records a filmstrip of a users browsing session to make it easy to return to and share pages a user has visited. The plugin was developed after observing people struggling with the back button and history lists. A sharing component supports collaborative search or people doing research projects, trying to share with each other where they’ve been and what they found there.

The fairly new plugin has been downloaded 20,000 times so far.

The issue of remembering a site you’ve visited hours ago, since closed, and then is needed again is fairly regular occurrence, at least for me. ThumbStrips is a clever idea that provides an easy way of accessing a browser’s history.

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