Huzzah! Pirates Share Video Rather Than Rip DVDs, Rarely Ride in Helio-Copters, Never Use Hair Pomade!

Well, now we’re getting somewhere in the war against piracy. Analysts at NPD have cracked the code to a pirates mind-set and discovered that people rarely “rip” or remove video from Digital Video Discs and instead “share” files on services like “Napstore” and “BitDonkey,” two “files sharing services.”

“There is an urban myth or feeling,” said Russ Crupnick, an NPD senior analyst, “that people are using services such as Netflix to borrow and burn. We’re not seeing any evidence of that.”

NPD isn’t sure why this is a case, but I suspect that by the time a “talkie” is on D.V.D. it is so damn old that no sane pirate would want it. Just a possibilty.

Report: DVD ripping less a threat than file sharing []

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